Regular Paper Books as You Never Imagined
There’s still no substitute for holding and turning the pages of a favorite book to help young learners become budding bookworms. The Kibeam Wand makes regular, existing books even better by nurturing kids' cognitive skills while tapping into their innate playfulness. Kids love reading and exploring with the wand on their own, and it's even more fun when parents get in on the fun, too! And maybe the best part? It gets kids off their screens.

An Immersive Experience on every Page
With the push of a button, kids are instantly transported into a world of wonder where beautiful music, character voices, and sound effects spark their imagination and take them on a reading journey. The wand not only reads each page aloud but also encourages kids to read along, explore words, build vocabulary, investigate pictures -- and engage in fun activities that get them moving their hands, arms and bodies to enhance literacy learning.
Parents Love Kibeam
Did you know...
35M Kids in lower SES homes have a word deficit by Age 3.
*Hart & Risley Study
26 Studies show play increases learning and decreases inequality
*The Hechinger Report
64% of 4th graders fail the NAEP Proficiency Reading Test.
*US Dept Edu and NAEP
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